Congratulations, you got an interview! Now what? Wing it? No way! There is still work to do. In this blog series, we will prepare you for commonly asked interview questions.
What interests you about this role?
Interviewers ask this question to see how much you know about the role and the company. But they also ask it to gauge your career goals. When it comes to your jobs and career, you should have some goals in mind to keep you motivated and working hard. Employers are looking for this self-starter motivation.
When answering this question, it is important to focus on what you will gain from this role and how it will help you achieve your career goals. There should be something about the job that interests you because it aligns with your current skill set. But there also should be something that interests you about the job because it challenges you and can push you toward your career goals. Explain what makes this opportunity stand out against others. This is an excellent spot to highlight how your personal skills fit into this position better than others you were applying for.
Before answering this question, you need to know some things about the position, company, and yourself. What are the daily responsibilities of the job? How do the duties of this job affect the company? Why are you a good fit for this position in this company? How does this position help you achieve your own career goals?
Say you are applying for an office administrative position at a medical office. Your career goals include becoming a doctor or a nurse. Your answer to this question might look like this:
I am interested in the role of office administrator here at this medical office because I am an organized person and I have a passion for the medical field. I used to work as an assistant manager at a fast-food restaurant, and while there, I had to perform a lot of clerical duties. I managed inventory, scheduled interviews and shifts, and troubleshot any customer service issues. In that managerial role, I learned a lot about how to maintain the space: ensure that we had employees available and products stocked. While I enjoyed my time there, I realized that I want to return to school and join the medical field. As an office administrator here, I can utilize my managerial skills while learning about the medical field.
This answer explains the individual’s personal interest in the job opening while highlighting their relevant skills. It could be bolstered if there was a story about why the medical field is of interest to them. A personal story like that while transitioning between fields can give the interviewer insight and empathize with you more, possibly getting you the job.